Giveaway Terms & Conditions

Official RulesNO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN.A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT WILL NOT INCREASE AN YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. INTERNET ACCESS REQUIRED. OPEN TO LEGAL RESIDENTS OF ANDWITHIN THE UNITED STATES (EXCLUDING RHODE ISLAND) WHO ARE AT LEASTEIGHTEEN (18) YEARS OLD AT THE TIME OF ENTRY. VOID WHERE PROHIBITEDOR RESTRICTED BY LAW. THIS SWEEPSTAKES IS IN NO WAY ENDORSED ORADMINISTERED BY, OR ASSOCIATED WITH, INSTAGRAM®. YOU UNDERSTANDTHAT YOU ARE PROVIDING YOUR INFORMATION TO FROST BUDDY LLC, ANDNOT INSTAGRAM. THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE WILL ONLY BE USED FORTHE PURPOSES SET FORTH IN THESE OFFICIAL RULES.The Frost Buddy LLC Eras Tour Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) is sponsored by FrostBuddy LLC (“Frost Buddy LLC” or “Sponsor”), 7492 E. 1000th Ave, Newton, IL 62448.Frost Buddy LLC is contributing the Grand Prize (as defined below) and TropicalSmoothie Café, LLC (“TSC”) (1117 Perimeter Center West, Suite W200, Atlanta, GA30338) is contributing the Second Place Prize (as defined below); however, TSC is notsponsoring or administering the Giveaway.The Sweepstakes entry period begins at 7:00 a.m. ET on October 14, 2024, and ends at7:00 p.m. ET on October 18, 2024 (the "Entry Period"). Sponsor's computer is the officialtime keeping device for this Sweepstakes.HOW TO ENTERTo receive one entry into the Sweepstakes, you must provide the information requestedon the entry page ( during the Entry Period.You will receive one additional entry into the Sweepstakes if, during the Entry Period,you also follow both @frostbuddy and @tropicalsmoothiecafe on Instagram.Use of any robotic, automatic, programmed, or similar entry method or entering morethan the number of times permitted will void all entries and result in disqualification. Youmay not enter more times than indicated by using multiple email addresses, identities,or devices in an attempt to circumvent the rules.Participation in the Sweepstakes constitutes your full and unconditional agreement toand acceptance of these Official Rules, including, but not limited to, your consent to becontacted via phone, email and/or Instagram by Sponsor in connection with theSweepstakes, and Sponsor’s decisions, which are final and binding in all matters relatedto the Sweepstakes. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements setforth herein.
ELIGIBILITYOpen only to legal residents of and within the United States (excluding Rhode Island)who are 18 years of age and older at the time of except for employees of Frost BuddyLLC, TSC, and their parent and affiliate companies, franchisees, suppliers, as well asimmediate family (spouse, parents, siblings and children) and household members ofeach such employee are not eligible to win. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.The potential winners must sign an applicable Affidavit/Statement of Eligibility andRelease.DRAWINGA random drawing will be conducted on or about October 18th, 2024, by Frost BuddyLLC to select the winners of the Prize (as defined below) from among all eligible entriesreceived. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The potentialwinner(s) of each Prize will be notified using the information provided by potentialwinner(s) in connection with their entry, first by phone call, and if the potential winner(s)do(es) not answer such phone call, they will be notified via text message, direct messagevia Instagram, and email on or about October 18, 2024, and will be required to sign andreturn an Affidavit/Statement of Eligibility and Release within three hours of the notice issent or such other date set by Frost Buddy LLC. The winner(s) will be asked to providepersonal information, such as the winner’s name, physical address, and date of birth inorder to confirm eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules. Failure to respondwithin the applicable time period will result in forfeiture of that winner’s Prize and FrostBuddy LLC shall have the option to award the Prize to an alternate winner. The returnof any Prize notification or Prize as undeliverable may result in disqualification and analternate winner may be selected. By entering the Sweepstakes, you accept and agreeto these Official Rules and the decisions of Frost Buddy LLC, which shall be final in allmatters. Acceptance of the Prize also constitutes permission to Frost Buddy LLC andTSC to use the winner’s name, image, photograph, likeness, statements, voice,biographical information, and address (city and state) to include in a winners list and formarketing purposes to promote future promotions without further compensation or rightof approval, unless prohibited by law. All applicable federal and state laws apply.THE PRIZEThe Grand Prize will consist of two (2) tickets to the Taylor Swift Eras Tour concert onOctober 20th, 2024 in Miami, FL (approximate retail value of $2,000 per ticket). One (1)Grand Prize will be awarded. Total Grand Prize value: $4,000. The offering for sale,selling, reselling, or otherwise transferring of the Grand Prize, or any portion thereof toany third party is strictly prohibited. Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify winner ofthe Grand Prize and void the Grand Prize if it appears to have been offered for sale,sold, or otherwise transferred. Concert tickets may be subject to concert ticket issuer’sstandard rain-check and cancellation policies and procedures. Restrictions, conditions,and limitations may apply. Lost, mutilated, or stolen tickets, vouchers, or certificates willnot be replaced by Sponsor. By accepting the Grand Prize, the winner agrees to abideby any terms, conditions and restrictions provided by the concert ticket issuer. Sponsor
is not responsible if Grand Prize winner does not make use of the Grand Prize. Sponsoris not responsible if the concert is delayed, postponed, or cancelled for any reasonwhatsoever. Winner cannot substitute, assign, transfer, or redeem Grand Prize for cash;however, Sponsor reserves the right to make equivalent Grand Prize substitutions at itssole discretion if the Grand Prize becomes unavailable. Grand Prize winner isresponsible for any loss of Grand Prize or portion of Grand Prize after it has beendelivered.The Second Place Prize will consist of one (1) Tropical Smoothie Cafe x Frost BuddyTo-Go Buddy (approximate retail value of $30 each). Thirty (30) Second Place Prizeswill be awarded. Total Second Place Prize value: $900.The Grand Prize and Second Place Prize are collectively referred to herein as the“Prize”.Total Prize value: $4,900. The Prize consists of only those items specifically listed aspart of the Prize (e.g., travel, lodging, food, and other expenses required to attend theconcert are not included as part of the Grand Prize). All expenses, travel,accommodations, and other costs related to acceptance and use of the Prize, includingwithout limitation any and all applicable federal, state, local, provincial, and municipaltaxes, and all fees and expenses related to acceptance and use of Prize not specificallystated herein are the sole responsibility of the Prize winners. No substitution or transferof Prize permitted by winner. Frost Buddy LLC reserves the right to substitute a Prizeof equal or greater value. The Prize will be awarded subject to the terms of these OfficialRules. Frost Buddy LLC may be required to issue an IRS Form 1099-MISC for thewinner. If a potential winner is disqualified for any reason, Frost Buddy LLC will awardthe Prize to an alternate winner by random drawing from among all remaining eligibleentries. Only three (3) alternate drawings will be held, after which the Prize will remainun-awarded. All Prize details are at the sole discretion of Frost Buddy LLC.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYBY ENTERING THE SWEEPSTAKES, YOU WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO, AND AGREE TOHOLD FROST BUDDY LLC AND TSC HARMLESS FROM, ANY CLAIM, LIABILITY,LOSS, DAMAGE (INCLUDING PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, AND CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES), OR EXPENSE (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS’ FEES) ARISING OUT OF ORIN CONNECTION WITH PARTICIPATION IN THE SWEEPSTAKES OR THEACCEPTANCE, USE, OR MISUSE OF THE PRIZE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOTALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. FrostBuddy LLC and TSC will not be responsible for: late, incomplete, or incorrect entries; yourfailure to receive prize notices due to your spam, junk e-mail, or other security settings orfor your provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information or generalunresponsiveness; technical, hardware, or software malfunctions, lost or unavailablenetwork connections, or failed, incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, garbled, or delayedelectronic communications whether caused by the sender or by any of the equipment orprogramming associated with or used in the Sweepstakes; by any human error which
may occur in the processing of the entries in the Sweepstakes; or any typographical,technological, or other error in the publishing of the offer, administration of theSweepstakes, or announcement of the Prize. If, in Sponsor’s opinion, there is such anerror, or there is any suspected evidence of tampering with any portion of theSweepstakes, or if technical difficulties (including viruses and bugs) compromise theintegrity of the Sweepstakes, Frost Buddy LLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, tocancel or modify the Sweepstakes in a manner it deems appropriate. In the event theSweepstakes is modified to end earlier than the above-stated end date, winners will beselected from among all eligible entries received as of such modified end date. In theevent a dispute arises as to the identity of a potential winner, entries will be declaredmade by the name on the online entry form.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIESTHE SWEEPSTAKES AND PRIZE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OFANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.RELEASEYou forever fully release, hold harmless and discharge Frost Buddy LLC, TSC, and theirrespective subsidiaries, affiliates, franchisees, distributors, advertising/giveawayagencies and each of their respective parent companies and each such company’sofficers, directors, employees, and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), fromany and all claims or causes of action, damages, losses or liability to person or property,including without limitation any claims for infringement of intellectual property rights,sustained, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in connection with, resulting from,arising out of or otherwise connected to winners’ acceptance, possession, use or misuseof any Prize or participation in the Sweepstakes and any activities related to theSweepstakes, including but not limited to the Grand Prize winner’s attendance at theTaylor Swift Eras Tour concert in Miami, FL on October 20, 2024.By posting on Instagram or otherwise utilizing Instagram for purposes of an entry for theSweepstakes, you forever fully release, hold harmless and discharge Instagram fromany and all liability arising out of or otherwise connected to the Sweepstakes. Youacknowledge and agree that the Sweepstakes is in no way sponsored, endorsed oradministered by, or associated with, Instagram, Taylor Swift, The Taylor Swift Eras Tour,or StubHub.CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUMYou agree that all matters arising out of or relating to this Sweepstakes and these OfficialRules are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Illinois, withoutgiving effect to any of its conflict of laws provisions thereof.
PRIVACYInformation submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on: and In the event of anydiscrepancy between Sponsor’s and TSC’s respective privacy policies andthese Official Rules, Sponsor’s privacy policy will govern and control.WINNER LIST + OFFICIAL RULES
For the name of the winners, available after October 18, 2024, send a self-addressed, adequately stamped envelope to Sponsor. For Official Rules, send
a self-addressed, adequately stamped envelope to Sponsor by October 14,2024.SPONSOR Frost Buddy LLC7492 E. 1000th AveNewton, IL

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